Monday, 17 August 2020

Faith gif

last week we were doing a Faith gif. I found it hard to keep up with this task because it was tricky.
I did enjoy the challenge.
I found it easy to listen to the teacher.
I found it hard to keep up with what she was explaining but I think I did ok.
My digital learning object shows that i can take a screenshot and blog my work, using colour,words and pictures.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Ruru art

 For the past two weeks we were working on a Ruru art, Ruru in english  mean owl. We were learning to blend the dye, we were doing Maori patterns on the head and body. I used these patterns because it looked fascinating. 

I found it easy to blend the dye.

I found it hard to do the Maori patterns, because I needed to remember what the Maori patterns looked like while drawing.